xylophone - транскрипция, произношение и перевод онлайн

Транскрипция и произношение слова "xylophone" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

xylophone / ксилофон
имя существительное
имя существительное
a musical instrument played by striking a row of wooden bars of graduated length with one or more small wooden or plastic mallets.
It is a simple ballad with a choirboy singing a melody over a xylophone and soft string orchestral backing.
Jim, a pupil of Smithy Bridge School, is not only a highly accomplished drummer owning his own drum kit, but also plays the xylophone , timpani, piano and accordion.
On Monoke, Chantler was using electronic devices to treat piano, guitar, xylophone and local Japanese instruments and arranging his sounds into complex structures.
She played the tambourine, the xylophone , and the harmonica, all to our swooning hearts' delight.
Although I guessed that they didn't have their usual large scale entourage, the band was fleshed out nicely with an electric cello, violin, xylophone , bass, drums, guitars and various vintage synths.
Percussion is composed of sleigh bells, tambourine, xylophone and kettle drums.
Here the group combines trombone, a simplistic guitar line, and what sounds like either a marimba or a xylophone .
It is a simple ballad with a choirboy singing a melody over a xylophone and soft string orchestral backing.
The serious xylophonist will find this work to be challenging, rewarding and a crowd pleaser.
In these and other small group contexts, the xylophonist recorded many memorable performances.
The album opens with shimmering, aquatic xylophones before the drums crash in with a fractured march, and a woozy bass spills like a cloud of ink all over everything.