protectionism - транскрипция, произношение и перевод онлайн

Транскрипция и произношение слова "protectionism" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

protectionism / протекционизм
имя существительное
protectionism, protection
имя существительное
the theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports.
Moreover, the smaller the country, the greater will be the pressure to opt for free trade rather than protectionism .
He tried to persuade organized labor that free trade and not protectionism was in its interests.
They oppose industrial policy, nationalisation and protectionism .
We don't have to choose between strict protectionism and unregulated free trade.
Moreover, the smaller the country, the greater will be the pressure to opt for free trade rather than protectionism .
He promoted economic nationalism, protectionism , and further cuts in social spending.
The opponents of world bureaucracies, no matter how much they favored free trade, were called isolationists and protectionists - words drawn from recent war propaganda.
All this leads to a myriad of various political economies with abundant protectionist features.
What drives trade/current account balances are not, as protectionists would suggest, trade policy or wage levels but rather the level of national savings as well as a country's attractiveness for investments.
His position on protective tariffs, like that of other influential protectionists of his day, was not unrelated to concern about general overproduction and the causes of economic crisis.
The economic consequences of protectionist policies and of the trend toward autarky are the same for all countries.