pochard - транскрипция, произношение и перевод онлайн

Транскрипция и произношение слова "pochard" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

pochard / нырок красноголовый
имя существительное
нырок красноголовый
pochard, dun-bird
имя существительное
a diving duck, the male of which typically has a reddish-brown head and a black breast.
More than 70 varieties of birds breed on and around the lake, including the famous ospreys, tufted ducks, goldeneyes, coots, pochards , mallards and widgeons.
More than 218 species have been recorded on the reserve, including mallards, teal, widgin, great crested grebes, pochard , wild geese and Canada geese.
A fine selection of ducks, including Norfolk's largest congregation of pochard - makes a winter visit to Welney memorable.
Other species found included goosander, pochard , tufted duck and teal on the water.
There must have been a thousand birds, a mix of species including lots of pochard or tufted duck.
There were several pairs of great crested grebes but there were also good numbers of tufted duck, pochard , gadwall mallard and teal.
The Dams is regarded as an important regional reserve with 218 recorded species - including teal, widgeon, great crested grebe, pochard , wild geese, water voles and great crested newts.
More than 70 varieties of birds breed on and around the lake, including the famous ospreys, tufted ducks, goldeneyes, coots, pochards , mallards and widgeons.
And while the local migratory birds are flying out, the foreign ones like mallards, pintails, teals, shovelers, pochards , waders and curlews are coming in.