When she decided she was too special to have to line up with the rest of the plebs , she forced her way to the front of the line, demanding to be served because she's ‘famous.’
They should drop their supercilious, insulting position of superiority over the plebs and treat the electorate as intelligent, informed people who deserve not to be put in this position.
Gianfrancesco Gonzaga invited classical scholar Vittorino da Feltre to set up a boys' school in the city inspired by humanist principles, where ducal scions mixed with talented plebs .
Of course, the latter mostly applies to general plebby members of the public, but sometimes it happens to wildly popular pop groups, too.
But we didn't have to queue with the plebs , oh no!
It was with a certain degree of self-confessed smugness that I looked out as the blustery wind swept around headquarters and the ordinary plebs tried to wrap up against the elements.
Well, okay, I'm still a plebby nobody, but a girl can dream.
The truly posh very rarely have much to do with this, so it tends to be the upper middle class vs the utter plebs .
It's that their criticisms tend so much towards the intellectual snob snap dismissal: it's sold millions, it's popular, ergo it's for the plebs .
The turf was actually decent and they were kind enough to let us plebs sit in the expensive seats.