hyperboloid - транскрипция, произношение и перевод онлайн

Транскрипция и произношение слова "hyperboloid" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

hyperboloid / гиперболоид
имя существительное
имя существительное
a solid or surface having plane sections that are hyperbolas, ellipses, or circles.
In the vicinity of point M, we assume that the surface of the hyperboloid is a plane.
To compare this funny word with something more familiar, a hyperboloid is a two-dimensional pseudosphere.
To calculate atomic volumes, the Voronoi cell procedure using hyperboloid interfaces between atoms was applied.
Out of this work came another of Wren's important mathematical results, namely that the hyperboloid of revolution is a ruled surface.
In 1826 he generalised his theorem to a hyperboloid of revolution, rather than a cone.
In the vicinity of point M, we assume that the surface of the hyperboloid is a plane.
These members complete the hyperboloidal structural connections to make the new structural principle operate.
For general hyperboloidal gears, let us now calculate and in the same way in terms of the velocity ratio.
Initial data are prescribed on the blue parts, i.e. on a hyperboloidal hypersurface and the part of which is in its future.
He has a Parisian optician produce hyperboloidal lenses for a demonstration, but the lenses are a failure.
The focus of this dissertation is the small free vibration of thin elastic hyperboloidal shells of revolution.