halberd - транскрипция, произношение и перевод онлайн

Транскрипция и произношение слова "halberd" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

halberd / алебарда
имя существительное
halberd, billhook, halbert, poleaxe, poleax, partisan
имя существительное
a combined spear and battle-ax.
Vast quantities of clothing, gunpowder, pikes, halberds , swords, and muskets poured out of the workshops of the metropolis.
Drake had his Katana, Judas his halberd , John a rapier and dagger, and Conrad wielded his two long swords expertly.
Cloud armed himself with his own longbow and latched his halberd onto his halberd scabbard on his back.
In the section on Chinese weapons, clear and colorful illustrations of a halberd , trident and crossbow support the text.
As a complete system it has weapons including sword, sabre, spear and halberd .
The spear and the halberd are weapons which are carried out of doors.
With a great cry, a whole host of horsemen rode forth from the inner courtyard, brandishing swords, pikes and halberds alike.
Add the spears, halberds , two-handed swords and crossbows used by the soldiers and you have quite a collection of deadly weapons.
I walked along the wall and saw maces, morning stars, halberds , spears, and some daggers on the end.
Hence the modern guardsmen carry tear gas and pepper spray in addition to their halberds , the combination of spear and battle-ax that the guardsmen carry.
Vast quantities of clothing, gunpowder, pikes, halberds , swords, and muskets poured out of the workshops of the metropolis.