hairdresser - транскрипция, произношение и перевод онлайн

Транскрипция и произношение слова "hairdresser" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

hairdresser / парикмахер
имя существительное
hairdresser, barber, coiffeur, haircutter
имя существительное
a person who cuts and styles hair as an occupation.
She tells me she is just back from the hairdresser and the coiffure will revert to ragged ringlets as soon as it hits rain.
She tells me she is just back from the hairdresser and the coiffure will revert to ragged ringlets as soon as it hits rain.
The question I am struggling with at the moment is: do I ask my hairdresser for a bag of my hair?
My hair was all shiny and smooth from the stuff the hairdresser put in my hair yesterday.
Why is it that her worst hairdos were when she was married to a hairdresser ?
She always loved doing her hair and knew she was going to be a hairdresser .
My hairdresser refused to colour my hair unless I had a skin test to ensure I was not allergic to the hair dye.
My mum goes to the hairdresser when she needs her hair cutting, but she always asks me to check if they're doing it right.
who is your hairdresser?
Bruce, who is training as a hairdresser and beautician, was also on her way to the protest last night.
The programme also set a new world record when the hairdressing and make-up team made over 100 people in 100 minutes.