exhibitionist - транскрипция, произношение и перевод онлайн

Транскрипция и произношение слова "exhibitionist" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

exhibitionist / эксгибиционист
имя существительное
exhibitionist, flasher
имя существительное
a person who behaves in an extravagant way in order to attract attention.
I am something of an exhibitionist
имя прилагательное
behaving extravagantly in order to attract attention.
In the past, I have chided Prof. Reynolds for his mildly exhibitionist postings.
In the past, I have chided Prof. Reynolds for his mildly exhibitionist postings.
Ironically though, Ashley, who has always had an exhibitionist streak, says the job has built her self-confidence.
The exhibitionist Kac, on the other hand, implicitly denies essence, integrity, identity.
Failure to reap the rewards of what he considered his great talent led to increasingly expressionistic and exhibitionist art.
People dying of cancer are rarely represented in the same exhibitionist manner.
My first major exhibitionist experience happened in my late teens.
The couple, it turns out, have a strong exhibitionist streak.
There were the exhibitionist squatters with their "I squat, therefore I am" credo.
I was thinking I could pepper my commentary with pictures that attest to my exhibitionist nature.
Originally I thought blogs were a kind of exhibitionist diary for people with global egos.