employment - транскрипция, произношение и перевод онлайн

Транскрипция и произношение слова "employment" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

employment / работа, использование, применение
имя существительное
working, work, job, operation, labor, employment
using, use, utilization, employment, applying, enjoyment
use, application, applying, employment, practice, appliance
employment, occupation, class, exercise, business, work
rent, hire, employment, lease, recruiting, leasehold
имя существительное
the condition of having paid work.
a fall in the numbers in full-time employment
Reasonableness may also require the employer to offer suitable alternative employment if appropriate.
employment of staff
Apparently, I had a tax liability relating to my second period of employment with this employer.
But does this responsibility not also extend to parents in paid employment ?
And with these openings come employment opportunities for school leavers.
We laughed as I recalled my first week of employment in the industry.
The husband argues that the wife has had sufficient time to secure meaningful full time employment .
a fall in the numbers in full-time employment
The course was specifically aimed at individuals with a genuine interest in securing full-time employment in the retail sector.
There was also a positive change in employment of young people below 30 registered over the month.