dresser - транскрипция, произношение и перевод онлайн

Транскрипция и произношение слова "dresser" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

dresser / туалетный столик, костюмер, обогатитель
имя существительное
туалетный столик
dressing table, vanity, dresser
dresser, costumier, fashioner
toilet, bathroom, lavatory, restroom, toilette, dresser
dandy, toff, beau, dresser, spark, smart dresser
имя существительное
a chest of drawers.
It may be installed in a dresser or desk drawer or detached and mounted in a vehicle.
a person who dresses in a specified way.
a snappy dresser
a person whose job is to look after theatrical costumes and help actors to dress.
They could get close to the acting scene by being dressers of the actors, but behind the scenes they learned the lines of the plays, waiting for the day the acting rules changed.
a person who prepares, treats, or finishes a material or piece of equipment.
That was a claim by several steel dressers who were suffering from pneumoconiosis attributable to defective ventilation in a factory.
But last September she applied to be a backstage helper in a panto and said she wanted to be Miss Garland's dresser .
she's gorgeous—and she's a dresser
From here, a glass-panelled door connects to the large country style kitchen with its pine dresser and cupboards.
She sat the helmet on the table and opened the top drawer of her dresser .
The first three issues reveal a handsome kid - strong, quick on the draw, and a snappy dresser .
My mother was a fantastic dresser and wore purple suede lace-up boots, loose clothes, headscarves and jewellery.
And he was stylish, a cool dresser with a thin moustache.
It may be installed in a dresser or desk drawer or detached and mounted in a vehicle.
It belonged in the trash bin, not displayed out in the dresser .
She kept her diary in the drawer of her dresser and locked it.