Few of the new subjects spoke Pashto - the Pashtun language - preferring Dari , a version of Persian, or Turkic dialects instead.
Khoshal Khan, the only school in Kabul that teaches its students in Pashtu instead of Dari , was established in 1948 for children of the Kuchi tribe, a nomadic people whose tribes are scattered throughout Afghanistan.
The word ‘Afghanistan’ appears around the central device on the flan in English and in the Arabic script of the two dominant languages of Afghanistan, Dari and Pashton.
Part of the Trust's Afghan Education Project, the series, broadcast in Pashto and Dari , is now reflecting the changes taking place in a society emerging from two decades of war.
Under the new education policy, Pushto is the official language in Pushto-speaking areas and Dari the official language in Dari-speaking regions, said Amin, who is a Pashtun.
Given the variety of Pashtu, Dari and Urdu dialects endemic to the various ethnicities of Afghanistan, local translators were the best choice for local communications.
The next day children kept rushing up to me, saying ‘teshekur,’ or ‘thank you’ in Dari , a derivative of Farsi, the language spoken by Tajiks.
Tolo began running the soap opera, dubbed into Afghanistan's Dari language, this year.
Educated in India, he feels equally at ease speaking Dari to tribal elders and English to the Council on Foreign Relations.
As a speaker of Dari , the local Persian dialect, Stewart gains access to the thoughts and feelings of ordinary Afghanis, and it is this that gives his journey, and this moving and evocative book, their true purpose.