He cruises through genres like he's giving a guided tour, hitting crunk , dancehall, hip-hop, reggaeton, and naturally, a handful of bedroom ballads along the way.
I see grime music as a UK crunk , they get you hyped and people get rowdy, it's the same vibe.
You can't truly keep it crunk at an all-ages, family-oriented event, right?
Never on God's sweet earth has there been a more glorious union of manipulated kiddie-singing samples, frenetic bhangra pluckings, and classic crunk growl.
Doesn't the industry realize that even though girls like to get down to the crunk , they'd probably be even more into it if it was even the slightest bit empowering to THEM.
They played a big part in the rise and rise of crunk too, combining their old skool soul sensibilities with a new millennium base and creating something totally on their own, off the wall, unique, crazy and brilliant.
With their Dirty South sound, they gave the crowd exactly what they wanted - to get crunk of course.
The kind of hip hop that he makes is called crunk , a peculiarly Southern variant that's molasses-thick and influenced by the local drug of choice, syrup.
Maybe Laura will happily drop me off there so I can get crunk without her for a change.
You said before that crunk is just recycled bass music.