He works with members from various cross-functional groups - with internal audit and the insurance group, for example.
She led a marketing group of six and a cross-functional senior management team of 25.
Students choose an area of global expertise as well as working in cross-functional and multinational teams in virtually every course.
Our many years of corporate experience allow us to offer a unique cross-functional approach that applies these core competencies to very practical business questions.
Likewise cross-functional teams are encouraged to utilize such data to analyse problems objectively as distinct from merely seeking scapegoats.
Other significant skills include: proficient time-management, business etiquette, and cross-cultural and cross-functional teambuilding skills.
When a company needs to make a major change in operating procedures, then a heavyweight, cross-functional team or unit is needed.
We have a cross-functional group that meets every month.
Data analysis points toward a need for extensive cross-functional expertise and training at a level beyond cursory familiarization or introductory exposure.
Cross-functional teams provide the mechanism for communication and problem solving.