coulee - транскрипция, произношение и перевод онлайн

Транскрипция и произношение слова "coulee" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

coulee / сухое русло, отвердевший поток лавы, глубокий овраг
имя существительное
сухое русло
отвердевший поток лавы
глубокий овраг
gully, coulee, barranca, linn
имя существительное
a deep ravine.
It has rolling hills, valleys, ravines and coulees , ideal for stalking.
a lava flow.
The remaining magma as lava domes and coulees was extruded with some associated subplinian or vulcanian explosive activity.
Once in the bog at the bottom of the coulee , one can see that the high grass is covered with grey silt.
The bulk of the T2 magma is represented by the lava domes and coulees , which are the most evolved.
The late-stage lava coulees and domes are most evolved.
The remaining magma as lava domes and coulees was extruded with some associated subplinian or vulcanian explosive activity.
It has rolling hills, valleys, ravines and coulees , ideal for stalking.
The badlands are significant due to the plethora of fossils and dinosaur bones that have been recovered in the slowly eroding hoodoos, narrow valleys and bone-dry coulees .
I also do not expect the flood pathway stories to tell that the flood eroded, in several days, 50 cubic miles of basalt and silt that resulted in deep vertical-walled coulees with flat bottoms.
They settled in coulees and river valleys where permanent water and wild hay grew and could sustain them year-round.