convey - транскрипция, произношение и перевод онлайн

Транскрипция и произношение слова "convey" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

convey / передавать, транспортировать, сообщать
pass, transmit, transfer, send, convey, communicate
transport, convey, transfer, vehicle, run
inform, report, communicate, tell, announce, convey
express, signify, voice, convey, put, say
carry, transport, ferry, haul, convey, tote
transport or carry to a place.
pipes were laid to convey water to the house
It is also how we want to see racing go forward and to be able to convey our wishes.
I mean, how could such a simple word convey a feeling so intense and nauseous?
pipes were laid to convey water to the house
A book as a prop is a great idea to convey the mood and make the sitter feel relaxed.
By their regular performance, the words are remembered from one generation to the next, and they convey beliefs and ideas from the distant past.
The property was conveyed to the father, but it was agreed that if the son and his wife paid all the mortgage instalments he would then convey the property to them.
Verbal language is commonly used to communicate, to convey a message and to criticize.
Tractors cannot be used on land to convey fodder to feeding sites and farmers have to carry in hay or silage on their backs.
She actually made the effort to convey her message to another friend to inform me.
Teenagers have always used text messaging not so much to convey information as to hang out electronically with friends.