climbing - транскрипция, произношение и перевод онлайн

Транскрипция и произношение слова "climbing" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

climbing / восхождение, влезание
имя существительное
climbing, ascent, ascension, climb, mount
имя прилагательное
climbing, mounting
climbing, scandent
имя существительное
the sport or activity of ascending mountains or cliffs.
Apart from learning the skills of climbing and mountaineering, these students also interact with the students of the valley and play games with them.
go or come up (a slope, incline, or staircase), especially by using the feet and sometimes the hands; ascend.
we began to climb the hill
move with effort, especially into or out of a confined space; clamber.
Howard started to climb out of the front seat
Still, the sport of climbing , like river running, has evolved dramatically in the past half-century.
The past year of my climbing had been limited to an indoor rock gym not too far from my house.
Apart from learning the skills of climbing and mountaineering, these students also interact with the students of the valley and play games with them.
We'll rope up as needed for belayed climbing and rappels.
Maybe I'll put that on my list of things to do, since it will be curtailed after launch, since all the mountain climbing is off.
Scuba diving and mountain climbing place added burdens on the cardiovascular system and require special caution.
One morning while camping out you get up for a glorious day of climbing and find that you have no coffee.
Climb great lines in spectacular settings around the world, experiencing all the different types of climbing and mountaineering.
his other great interest was climbing, especially in the Alps
She is hoping to move from indoor climbing walls to outdoor climbing and is taking part in an outdoor course in August.