barbel - транскрипция, произношение и перевод онлайн

Транскрипция и произношение слова "barbel" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

barbel / усач, усик, ящур
имя существительное
barbel, sawyer
tendril, barbel, cirrus, antenna, feeler, tentacle
murrain, aphthae, barbel
имя существительное
a fleshy filament growing from the mouth or snout of a fish.
Sturgeon species are noted by a spindle-shaped body with five rows of bony scutes and a long snout with sensory barbels .
a large European freshwater fish of the minnow family that has fleshy filaments hanging from its mouth. It lives in running water.
He pole-fished pellet to the trees for a mixed bag of carp, ide, barbel and chub.
a marine or freshwater African fish with barbels around the mouth.
I have also witnessed an angler with a double figure barbel in his keepnet which was being transported along the bank so his son could take a picture.
Fishing the depth with pellet, he whipped out a mixed net of small carp, tench, chub, barbel and skimmers totalling 68 lb 9oz
Large numbers of chub and barbel are also on view in Tadcaster where fish spotting from the road-bridge in the centre of town seems to be a popular spectator sport at present.
I would say that most of the rivers I looked at had barbel present although many of them were on the small side.
For the pleasure angler Oaktree Fishery is well worth a visit at present with plenty of smaller carp, tench, orfe and barbel providing non-stop action.
He fished pellet at three and five metres to edge ahead of a crowded frame with carp, tench, chub, bream and barbel .
The lower jaw of the haddock is slightly shorter than the upper jaw and the fish has a small single barbel .
Chub and barbel may also make the same migrations, although to a lesser extent.
And John Burrett's catch of big chub with three fish for over fifteen pounds: he also caught barbel recording seventy six in just one week.
Later on I used the same technique on rivers for chub and barbel and also on lakes for bream.
He pole-fished pellet to the trees for a mixed bag of carp, ide, barbel and chub.