The man, who is unidentified as yet, does not have anthrax - the bacillus is on his person, but he's not infected, and with proper treatment, he should be fine.
One is a microscopic rod-shaped bacterium called bacillus anthracis, easy to grow in the lab but fragile and easily killed in the open.
Currently a third of the world's population carry the bacillus , albeit in a dormant form.
The isolation of the tuberculosis bacillus in 1882 by Robert Koch, who later became professor of hygiene and director of the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Berlin, was a scientific breakthrough.
The book ends with the haunting observation that although the plague bacillus can go into hiding for years and years, it never dies or disappears for good.
the bacillus was thought to have proliferated in water polluted by sewage
At far right, Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, an elongate bacillus form.
During 1967-70, bacillary dysentery was first reported in Central American countries.
In conclusion, the burden of TB for the year 2000 was estimated to be 8.5 million (3.8 million bacillary cases, 3.9 million abacillary cases and 0.8 million extrapulmonary cases).
Of the remaining three patients with bacillary resistance to ofloxacin, two were successfully treated with levofloxacin-containing regimens.