In the 19th and early 20th centuries, anthropometry was a pseudoscience used mainly to classify potential criminals by facial characteristics.
Nutritional status was assessed by anthropometry .
Intrigued by the historically reported differences in anthropometry between the bronchitic and emphysematous patients, researchers performed studies to assess body composition in both COPD subtypes.
Although we did not collect direct data for the assessment of bone lead mobilization during pregnancy, we observed 2 lines of evidence that indicated that bone lead may be mobilized and may have a negative impact in anthropometry at birth.
To obtain anthropometric measurements is uncomplicated, relatively inexpensive and the estimates contain small measurement errors and biases.
These findings emphasize the added value and need for anthropometric assessment rather than simple weight, height, and BMI.
In the process, he invokes a dazzling combination of anthropometric , nutritional, and demographic research findings, many due to his own work or those of his immediate collaborators and students.
Anthropometry still remains the conventional method for evaluating the nutritional profile of children.
By the 1860s, Harvard and other universities had begun to regularly collect anthropometric data on their male student populations, and in the 1890s comparable data began to be collected from the East Coast women's colleges as well.
It is not possible to actually predict the age of an individual from anthropometric measure, and this should not be attempted.