In the modified stableford format, an albatross is worth eight points, an eagle five and a birdie two, while a par is worth nothing and players lose one point for a bogey and two for multiple bogeys.
Thanks to his albatross and some solid golf thereafter he finished three under.
It is home to many birds such as albatross , penguins, cormorants, gulls and gannets, and the New Zealand fur seal, which can easily be seen from the road lazing around in rocky areas.
Taking measures to prevent the accidental capture of birds benefits both the albatross and the fishermen, since they can catch more fish if the hooks are not catching birds by mistake.
Queen Noor of Jordan is backing an albatross aptly named The Ancient Mariner.
The ultimate target was Primakov, but the Kremlin's strategy was first to blast Luzhkov so as to turn him into a burdensome, malodorous albatross around the former prime minister's neck.
Conservationists say unregulated fisheries in the southern oceans are endangering the albatross .
an albatross of a marriage
Instead, they see it as a problem, as a liability, as an albatross around our financial necks.
Gary Evans has been a professional for 13 years and his albatross at the 4th hole was the first of his career.