Food - A1-A2
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Food - Еда Food Elementary A1-A2

Чтобы использовать данный словарь, его необходимо скопировать в свои словари.

bread - хлеб
(uncount.) white / brown bread
butter - сливочное масло
(uncount.) Put some butter on the crackers, please.
cereal - злаки, сухие хлопья
(uncount) I have cereal for breakfast.
cheese - сыр
(uncount) I had cheese on toast for lunch.
egg - яйцо
soft-boiled eggs; hard-boiled eggs
jam - варенье, джем
(uncount.) strawberry jam
toast - тост, гренки
(uncount) a piece of toast
steak - стейк
How would you like your steak done?
ham - ветчина
(uncount) a ham sandwich / a slice of ham
sausage - колбаса, сосиска, сарделька
beef/pork sausages
olive oil - оливковое масло
carrot - морковь
(count.) a kilo of carrots
lettuce - салат-латук
(count.) Buy a lettuce and some tomatoes. / You need one whole head of lettuce for this salad.
onion - лук
(count.) French onion soup
tomato - помидор, томат
mushroom - гриб
(count) Slice the mushrooms and add to the salad.
potato - картофель
pea - горох
(count.) frozen peas
French fries - картофель фри
dessert - десерт, сладкое
What's for dessert?
pineapple - ананас
fresh pineapple
strawberry - клубника
crisps - хрустящие картофельные чипсы
a packet of smoky bacon crisps
chocolate - шоколад
a bar of chocolate
sweetcorn - сладкая кукуруза
chicken breast - куриная грудка
sauce - соус, приправа, подливка
chicken in a white sauce
bacon - бекон
meal - принятие пищи, прием пищи
Try not to eat between meals. / Lunch is his main meal of the day.
pepper - перец (сладкий перец или перец молотый)