Strong adjectives / Сильные прилагательные
en-ru | 13

Чтобы использовать данный словарь, его необходимо скопировать в свои словари.

furious - очень злой, яростный, взбешённый, разъярённый
He is furious with me. / He was absolutely furious at her refusal to eat out together.
excruciating - очень болезненный, мучительный, невыносимый
The pain in my back was excruciating. / She suffered from excruciating headaches.
gorgeous - очень красивый, великолепный, прекрасный
You look gorgeous! / The weather was absolutely gorgeous. / It's a gorgeous night.
terrified - очень испуганный, в ужасе
I'm terrified of dogs. / She looked at him with wide, terrified eyes. / I'm terrified of losing you.
thrilled - очень довольный, в восторге
My son was thrilled with his birthday cake. / She was thrilled at the idea of flying to Paris.
exhausted - очень уставший, измученный, изнурённый
She was exhausted from the trip. / He was driving the whole night and he arrived in an exhausted state.
disgusting - очень неприятный, отвратительный, противный
What a disgusting smell! / I find his behaviour disgusting. / That soup tastes disgusting! / The kitchen was in a disgusting state.
deafening - очень громкий, оглушительный
The music was deafening. / I heard the deafening roar of the sea.
vital - жизненно важный, крайне необходимый
It's vital to be honest with your children. / It's vital to pay attention to the road while driving.
jittery - очень нервный, очень обеспокоенный
I felt jittery before the exam. / Just talking about it made her jittery.
be thrilled to death - быть до смерти довольным, быть в полном восторге
syn.: be thrilled to bits / be thrilled to pieces; ex.: I'm thrilled to death about the result.
a deafening silence - оглушительная тишина, оглушительное молчание
Once again the answer was a deafening silence.
play a vital role - играть чрезвычайно важную роль
He played a vital role in setting up the company.